Utilizing the THRIVE Model
Utilizing the THRIVE Model
Submitted by: Andrea Hoff
OCAM Coach
Oftentimes, when people think about trauma, they think about a single person who has undergone some hardship: a soldier coming back f...
Better Drinking Culture on College Campuses
Better Drinking Culture on College Campuses
Written By: Ryley Jones, BS, OCPSA
Young Prevention Professionals Project Member
We have all seen one of those movies that glorifies “the college experie...
Is D.O.R.A. Coming to your Town?
Jennifer Benson, BA, OCPC, ICPS
OCAM Coach
August 2022
When you hear this phrase, what do you think about? Do you think about the cartoon character who uses a map, her knowledge of the Spanish lan...
Stay Safe this Summer
Submitted by: Ryley Jones, BS, RA
July 2022
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, an estimated 11,654 people were killed in drunk driving accidents involving a driver with...
From Juul to Disposable Vapes
Submitted by: Ryley Jones, BS, RA
The e-cigarette device JUUL became increasingly popular, especially in teens since its launch in 2015. In December of 2019, President Donald Trump raised the federal...
How COVID-19 Has Impacted Alcohol Use
Title: How COVID-19 Has Impacted Alcohol Use
March 2022 Newsletter
Written By: Jennifer Benson
After two years into the pandemic, we see now more than ever the impact COVID-19 has had on alcohol us...