Course Catalog
Domain Specific Trainings:
P1: Planning & Evaluation
- Program Evaluations for Prevention Professionals (3 hours)
- Overview of the SPF (3 hours)
- How Does my Agency Become Certified in Prevention? Defining the Ohio Agency Prevention Certification Process (3 hours)
- Prevention Program Planning: How Logic Models Can Help! (2 hours)
P2: Prevention Education & Service Delivery
- Welcome to Prevention (1 hour)
- The Importance of Youth-Led Prevention (2 hours)
- Prevention in Preschool Populations (1.5 hours) (AOD specific)
- Prevention in Unique Populations (1.5 hours) (AOD specific)
- Problem Gambling 101 (3 hours)
- Classroom Management for Prevention Professionals (2 hours)
- An Introduction to the Brain’s Addiction Pathway (2 hours)
- Problem Gambling At-Risk Populations and how to Apply Targeted CSAP Strategies in Your Prevention Efforts
P3: Communications
- Media Literacy: How Advertising can Affect Drug use Trends (3 hours)
- Media Literacy 101 (3 hours)
- Getting your Message Out: How to Utilize Media to Raise Awareness (3 hours)
- Leveraging Digital Platforms: Marketing and Social Media in Prevention (3 hours)
- Finding and Using Your Voice: Advocating for Prevention! (3 hours)
P4: Community Organization
- How to Engage the Faith Based Community (2 hours)
- Prevention Professionals Role in Addressing Community Trauma ( 3 hours)
- Strengths-Based Leadership: Utilizing Your Natural Talents to Maximize Your Prevention Leadership Potential (3 hours)
- Designing an Effective Communications Plan for Your Prevention Coalition (3 hours)
- Organizing Effective Meetings (1.5 hours)
- What is a Community Prevention Coalition? (1.5 hours)
- Strategies for Recruiting and Engaging Coalition Members (2 hours)
P5: Public Policy & Environmental Change
- Policy & Prevention at both the Local & State Levels (3 hours) (AOD)
- Environmental Strategies (3 hours)
- Environmental Scans (1.5 hours)
- The Seven Strategies for Community Change: Your Guide to Implementing Environmental Prevention Efforts that Work! (3 hours)
- Creating Comprehensive Prevention Approaches using the Social-Ecological Model (2 hours)
- Integrating the Public Health Model into Prevention Practices
P6: Professional Growth & Responsibility
- Understanding the Continuum of Care (2 hours)
- Prevention Science (3 hours)( AOD specific)
- Trauma Informed Care: Implications for Prevention Professionals (3 hours)
- Nurturing Potential: Applying the 40 Developmental Assets to Your Prevention Work (3 hours)
- Why People Engage in Ineffective Prevention Strategies and How Prevention Professionals Can (and SHOULD) Advocate for Change! (3 hours)
- How to Create Comprehensive Prevention Programs Utilizing the Six CSAP Strategies (3 hours)
- Prevention Science Foundations: Risk & Protective Factors
- Ethics Basics for Prevention Professionals (3 hours)
- Advanced Ethics for Prevention Professionals (3 hours)
- 6 hr Ethics for Prevention Professionals (6 hours)
- Ethical Decision-Making for the Prevention Professional (3 hours)
Cultural Competency:
- Cultural Competency in Prevention (3 hours)
- Appalachian Culture (1.5 hours)
- Sexual Orientation, Identity, and Expression (3 hours)
- LGBTQ+ Youth: A Historic Contemporary Overview (3 hours)
PS1: Personnel Supervision & Program Management
- Performance Management: Effective Techniques for Reaching Your Prevention Goals!
- Emotional Intelligence: Creating a Culture of Social and Emotional Wellness!
- Employee Development: Maximize Employee Engagement!
- Leadership Development: Elevate Your Prevention Leadership Impact!
- Performance Reviews: How to Create a Culture of Feedback!
- Prevention Supervision: Bridge the Leadership Gap!
- Coaching and Mentoring: Maximize High Potential Performers!
PS2: Administration & Consultation
- Grants: Overview of Philanthropy, Grant Professional Skills and Competencies
- Grant Writing for Prevention Professionals: Developing the Proposal Idea & Persuasive Proposal Writing that Leads to More Grant Successes!
- Organizational Development: Helping You Build a Strong Foundation for Your Prevention Organization!
- Conflict Management: How to Handle Tough Workplace Situations with Finesse!
- Continuous Quality Improvement: Putting Quality at the Heart of Everything You Do!
- Grant Writing for Prevention Professionals: Enhancing Grant Proposal Readability to Enrich the Grant Reviewers’ Experience
- Organizational Change: True Change Comes from Within!
- Building a Business Plan: Maximize Your Organization’s Impact!
- Grant Writing for Prevention Professionals: Finding Grant Opportunities that will Expand Your Horizon to New Funding Possibilities
- Risk Management: An Ounce of Prevention!
- Public Relations: Sometimes Your Organization’s Fate is in Their Hands!
- Grant Writing for Prevention Professionals: Should I Go After this Grant? Or Should I Pass? Deciding Whether or Not to Apply
- Grant Writing for Prevention Professionals: Building Relationships with Funders – A “Friend-Building” Process!
- Grant Writing for Prevention Professionals! Grant Professionals as Change Agents & Social Entrepreneurs, Writing Winning Letters of Inquiry/Intent and Organizational Profiles!
- Grant Writing for Prevention Professionals: Writing Needs Statements That Clearly Demonstrates Why Your Community Needs Your Prevention Services!
Series that cover multiple domains:
Prevention Education Series
8 part series for newer prevention professionals. Every sessions will cover a specific domain from Planning & Evaluation to Cultural Competency this course sets a great foundation as you continue to learn about the field of prevention. This series is designed for individuals who have less than a year in prevention and have already gained their Registered Applicant status.
Total of 24 hours- 3 hours in each domain!
SAPST (Substance Abuse Prevention Skills Training)
Substance Abuse Prevention Skills Training is a 4 day training. 24 hours total, 15 AOD specific hours
The domain breakdown for this training includes P1=5.5 hours, P2=5.5 hours, P4=5.5 hours, P6=5.5 hours, Cultural Competency= 2 hours
Prevention Core Competencies
The Prevention Core Competencies is a training series created by PTTC that gives a great explanation on why Prevention is important and how prevention is really a science. Over the course of the three days participants will go over topics such as epidemiology, pharmacology, the effects of drugs on the brain, and lots of different prevention theories and models. This course was designed for prevention professionals that are newer to the field but have some experience under their belt (6 months-a year).
(2.5 days=14.5 hours total)
Alcohol & Other Drug Specific Topics for Prevention Professionals (24 hours)
*can be taught individually as well (3 hours each)
Trainings include:
- Understanding the Brain’s Addiction Pathway
- How Depressants Affect the Central Nervous System
- Alcohol- Yes, it is a Drug
- Marijuana-Myths, Facts, and Controversies
- The Ever-Changing World of Stimulants
- The Hidden Dangers of Over-the-Counter Medications
- Hallucinogens and the altered State of Consciousness
- What We Know About Vaping & What to do about it