What Does Prevention Mean to Me?
What Does Prevention Mean to Me?
By: Jim Posey, Ohio Certified Prevention Specialist Assistant
Health Educator at Sandusky County Public Health
Prevention can be many different things. The State defines prevention as a planned sequence of culturally relevant, evidence-based strategies, designed to reduce the likelihood of or delay the onset of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders (education.ohio.gov 2023). Prevention Education covers a vast array of topics including: risky behaviors, substance use, mental health, gambling, and many more. I think one thing we as prevention professionals forget is how important sharing information on various topics can be. The more opportunities we have to share information, the more impact we will have on our audience. There is an old saying that people need to see something seven times before they remember it. The more times people see and hear about the information we share the better they will retain it. This is important when thinking about how to make informed decisions that will impact your life in a positive way.
When talking about prevention in action, that means taking steps and making a plan to reduce the chances of something negative happening. It's about eliminating barriers, creating awareness, and encouraging resilience. Effective prevention often involves educating individuals and communities with skills and resources to make informed choices and protect themselves from potential harm.
Prevention is more than just alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD), prevention is healthcare, regular checkups, healthy habits, and early intervention to prevent illnesses and injuries. Prevention can also look like conserving resources, promoting sustainable practices, and helping reduce the negative impact of human activities on the environment. Prevention is also part of the IOM’s model of the Continuum of Care, where the focus can be universal, indicated, or selective based on numerous things that someone is experiencing.
Prevention is all around us, whether we think about it or not. It plays an integral part in all of our lives. Making a difference in prevention can look like many different things.This may include building healthy coping strategies, creating awareness around medication safety, encouraging individuals to wear their seat belts, or simply putting on a helmet while riding a bike. These things make working in the prevention field worth it because I know I am making an impact in my community.