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Nurturing Potential: Applying the 40 Developmental Assets to Your Prevention Work

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Nurturing Potential: Applying the 40 Developmental Assets to Your Prevention Work

Event Summary

Aug 7, 2024
1:00 pm - 4:15 pm

CEUs: Prevention, CHES
3 Hours
Domains: P6- Professional Growth & Responsibility           

Many prevention professionals have heard of the 40 Developmental Assets framework, developed by the Search Institute, but we don’t often truly consider how we can infuse this information into our prevention programming to build healthier and more resilient youth. However, these assets are research and evidence based and considered essential building blocks that can help young people to grow up to be healthy, caring, and responsible adults. This session will do a deep dive into the internal and external assets that prevention professionals can – and should – utilize to determine actionable ways in which to assess the strengths and needs of the young people they work with as well as identify areas where additional support may be needed. This important framework can also be used in program development, to provide parental guidance, engage youth more effectively, and even as a tool for evaluating the effectiveness of prevention programs. Even prevention professionals doing community-based coalition work can utilize this framework to create environments where all young people can thrive and reach their full potential. If you are a prevention professional who cares about young people, this session is too important to miss!

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe the concept of developmental assets.
  2. Illustrate the importance of fostering external and internal assets for young people.
  3. Outline specific actions that can be implemented to build developmental relationships with the youth served by your prevention programs.

Andrea Hoff MPA, GPC, OCPC, ICPS

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