Grant Writing: Ethical Practice in the Grants Profession, Grant Scams, and Writing the Program Plan
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Grant Writing: Ethical Practice in the Grants Profession, Grant Scams, and Writing the Program Plan
Event Summary
VENUE: OCAM Virtual Training
Description: Ethics in the grants profession seems fairly simple: be honest, practice with integrity, adhere to laws and regulations, value the freedom and privacy of those you serve, etc. However, as with any profession, there are gray areas in which we must all walk a fine line to determine how to respond in challenging situations. While we all consider how to maintain our own ethical practices, we must also constantly be leery about potential grant scams that are out there in the digital world. This session will help ensure your grant writing maintains the utmost of ethical practices. It will also describe the most common grant scams out there and help you learn how to weed out scammers. As a bonus, you will also learn about how to develop a solid program plan that will appeal to funders and increase your grants competitiveness. It’s a trio of topics!
CEUS: Prevention (OCPS, OCPC, and OCPSA), CHES
Hours: 3
Domains: PS2: FIscal Management
Learning Objectives:
- Describe ethical considerations in the grants profession.
- Explain how to avoid grant scams.
- Articulate the steps to writing a comprehensive program plan in your grant proposals.
Presenter: Andrea Hoff